No one loves Thanksgiving food more than our pets, right? They follow you around the kitchen as you cook it and sit by your feet while you eat, asking for just a taste. However, most of our favorite Thanksgiving foods can cause health issues for our pets. During Thanksgiving, it’s probably best that you and your guests steer clear of giving any pets in the house any food. Here are just a few hazardous Thanksgiving food items to keep away from your pet:

Turkey Skin

Do you baste your turkey in tasty herbs and spices, like sage or dill? These spice are bad for your dog’s digestion. The fatty skin, added brine, and added butter isn’t very good for dogs either.

Turkey Bones

When the turkey’s gone, the bones that remain are NOT a good chew toy for your dog. They are brittle choking hazards that easily splinter if chewed.


Most stuffing recipes include onions and garlic, both of which poison dogs’ blood cells.

Fruit Salad or Ambrosia

Dogs should not eat fruit with seeds or pits because it inflames their intestines. Plums, peaches, grapes, and raisins should be off limits.


Sausage is not a solid meat and may also contain onions, garlic, and other ingredients that you may not even know about. Probably best that your pets don’t eat it.

Pecan Pie

Everyone loves pecan pie, right? However, nuts can cause muscle spasms and weakness of the legs for up to 48 hours for pets. Make sure none hit the floor while cooking or eating.


It goes without saying, but it doesn’t hurt to remind everyone that alcohol is extremely bad for pets to ingest. Grapes, hops, and alcohol are all toxic to dogs.

Pumpkin or Sweet Potato Pie

Both pumpkin and sweet potatoes are good for dogs, but most Thanksgiving dishes that include these ingredients also include cinnamon and nutmeg. It’s best to play it safe.

Ice Cream

Some animals are fine with dairy; others deal with stomach issues after ingesting dairy. It’s also best to play it safe with this food group as well.

If your pet does get a taste of some Thanksgiving food and has an adverse reaction, please contact us immediately so that we can take care of them! We’re here if you have any questions.